Upload Your First File
Click on Check Connection in the S3 and CDN Connection Settings section in your dashboard. If you see a popup indicating a successful connection, congratulations!
Now it’s time to upload and transform a file!
There are several ways to upload a file:
- Postman
- Curl
- Through the S3 storage interface
- and more.
In this guide, we will upload a file using Curl. Other methods can be found on the API page.
YOUR_SECRET_CLIENT_TOKEN can be found in your dashboard.
curl --location 'https://api.defaultuploader.com/v1/upload' --header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_CLIENT_TOKEN' --form 'file=@"/C:/path_to_file/file_example_JPG_100kB.jpg"'
You will receive the following response:
{ "src": "https://api.defaultuploader.com/v1/image/upload/mvgfC8E5UkfrkWTHq9ydYc/sQeWeYhRczFmpPKrSihVy1.jpg", "originalSrc": "https://s3.ru-1.storage.selcloud.ru/files/image/jpg/sQeWeYhRczFmpPKrSihVy1.jpg", "originalName": "file_example_JPG_100kB.jpg", "s3PathOriginal": "image/jpg/sQeWeYhRczFmpPKrSihVy3.jpg", "s3Path": "image/jpg/sQeWeYhRczFmpPKrSihVy3.jpg", "options": {}, "size": 102117, "mimeType": "image", "format": "jpg"}
Copy the URL from the src key, paste it into your browser, add the parameter ?w=100, and voilà!