Image Scanning
NSFW Content Detection
Click the Scan button in your dashboard
As a result of the scan, a text file will be generated with the addresses of files in your S3 storage where NSFW content was detected.
Scanning the entire bucket takes some time. You will receive an email notification when the scanning process is in its final stage, indicating that the process will complete in about a minute.
To scan only a portion of the bucket, enter a prefix—this is the part of the path where scanning should start.
To scan the folder dogs/ and all its contents, including subfolders, enter the following path in the input field in your dashboard:
Directorydogs/ — all files at this level will be scanned
- …
- …
Webhook for NSFW Content Uploads
Every time you upload a file, it will be scanned for NSFW content.
Enter the webhook address where a notification with detailed information about the detected content will be sent.
The request will be sent using the POST method with no retries. This information is also not stored anywhere.