Asynchronous Transformations
transforms: ’[“w=100&h=100”, “w=200&h=200”]’
Along with the file, pass the transformation options in the form with the key transforms. Immediately after the file is uploaded, its transformation will begin.
The options are formatted in the same way as when performing a transformation with a query request.
To get two new files with sizes 100x100 and 200x200, you need to pass the following options:
curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: YOUR_SECRET_CLIENT_TOKEN' --form 'file=@"/C:/Users/UserName/Pictures/Saved Pictures/cat.jpg"' --form 'transforms="["w=100&h=100","w=200&h=200"]"'
As a result, there will be 3 files in the bucket:
Directorybucket/ — root folder of the bucket
Directoryimage — file type (image, video, audio, etc.)
Directoryjpg — file extension
- file_name.jpg — original file
- file_name.jpg_w=100&h=100 — transformed file with dimensions 100px
- file_name.jpg_w=200&h=200 — transformed file with dimensions 200px